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Yoga ah! Blog

Happy 2020 More about Yoga ah

Happy 2020 Yogis, Thank you for visiting our site, on this site you will find information about our yoga classes as well as teacher training. 

We would like to invite you to know more about our school and what makes Yoga ah a special place to take classes and yoga teacher training.

Yoga ah has been offering Yoga Training and classes for over 13 years in the greater Cincinnati area. Yoga ah is also one of the only studios in the country that offer the Rocket system developed by Larry Schultz. The reason that we are able to offer the Rocket system is because  our founder Amber Jean-Marie studied with Larry for over 11 years from the year 2000 to 2011 when he left his body and his legacy behind.

If you are newer to yoga and searching around for classes and or teacher training you may be overwhelmed with all the yoga there is to choose from. The first thing we want to answer for you is, what is the Rocket?. Well, the Rocket is based in traditional Ashtanga yoga sequences however the Rocket makes more advanced yoga more accessible and more fun! The Rocket also offers routines for someone who is newer to yoga. It is a vinyasa style or a style that has a continuous flow. 

Another thing we want to make sure that you know about our studio and teacher training program is that you will learn the foundations of traditional yoga, history and yoga philosophy as well as yo learn proper breathing techniques and alignment of hatha yoga poses so your practice will have a strong foundation to grow.

The Rocket had a big part of inspiring the Power Yoga Movement as well as honors the lineage of traditional yoga so if you attend our teacher training you will be able to teach a wide variety of students.

Yoga ah also offers specific routines that you will study, practice and eventually teach. These routines will give you something to fall back on when you are not feeling your best as well as give you discipline when your are not at the studio. That is why Yoga ah has a very high success rate with its graduates. 

Finally we want all of you to know about our Yoga Apprentice Program, this program will help you work off your tuition while giving you experience of how day to day operations work at a yoga studio. Some apprentices focus on the social media and how to advertise, some apprentices gain more hands on experience by setting up for classes and learning how to sign in students. Whatever you schedule is we will find something for you to do to enrich your experience while you work off some of your tuition.

To inquire about the apprentice program or get more information about teacher training email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 also check out www.rocketyogaacademy.com for more information about the Rocket and the RYA

 Namaste we look forward to training YOU!

Yoga ah Fairies


Rocket Yoga Tutorials

Do you know that we have some great tutorials online!! 

We have two Youtube Channels 

RocketGirl Yoga and Yogaahstudio

We have two great trainings coming up, our 8 weekends foundations training and a 5 day Rocket intensive in November!

inquire at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Check out this Youtube video on Rocket Splits




Fall Yoga Training 2019/2020

This year we do it again and offer another 200 hour trainining in the foundations of Ashtanga and Rocket Vinyasa. Our yoga trainings are a wholistic approach to learning yoga that is driven by your personal practice and learning 6 different routines. Our training's also focus on studying the hands and feet as a way of understanding the alignment of the asanas. You will learn the history of traditional Ashtanga and discover how to make it more beginner friendly! We also have different payment options. We often call your tuition an investment that hopefuly will give you rewards beyond you imagination. inquire today!! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2400 total ( 650.00 deposit )

2300 Pay at once option ( 650.00 deposit )

1950 total with work trade option ( 500.00 deposit )
deposits are required to hold your space!



Rocket Training and Retreats

Yoga ah Rocket Academy Retreats

Do you know that Yoga ah offer Rocket Trainings all over the world? Yes our founder Amber Jean Marie has been working on creating and developing the Rocket trainings over the past 10 years. During that time the creator of the Rocket Larry Schultz passed and Amber has been continuing to spread the good word of the Rocket.

Here aer a few highlights from the past few years.

Nicaragua January 2016
Meeting in the lush landscapes that only Nicaragua can provide, 8 rocket yogis attended and studied the Rocket with Amber for one week. In an enviroment like Nicarauga it was easy to turn the phones off and tune into our practices. Life long friendships were formed and as always everyone got  a sence of how powerful the Rocket is.


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20160105 115507

Brighton England August 2016
England is so lovely this time of year especially in August. We had another amazing group of yogis come together and learn all about the Rocket! This time we had 18 in the training. Amber is still in touch with many of these yogis and has returned to Engalnd since to facilatate other Rocket Training's in London.



Costa Rica May 2018 and June 2019
Costa Rica is a magical place where anything can happen. These Rocke Training's have been so specail because everything is  ALL INCLUSIVE. We stay at a beach front property which is the perfect location for yoga and surf. The food is amazing and always fresh from the local farmers and fisherman. Amber's co host Johanna is a profesional suffer and chef who makes sure everything is amazing from the moment you walk off  the plane and of course Amber gives top Rocket instruction. That's why we are doing it again this November!! for more information you can check out this link! https://rocketgirl.yoga/products/costa-rico-rocket-training-and-surf-camp




As we continue to build the story of the Rocket Training's Yoga ah offers top yoga instruction not only in Cinncinnati but all over the world. It's true yoga does open a lot of doors. What doors is it going to open for you? Namaste, Yoga Elves



Ask Amber Jean-Marie

Greeting Yogis,

Thanks for checking out our blog! Do you know that Yoga ah has been offering yoga teacher training since 2007? That is over a decade of experience training yoga instructors.It also means we have over a decade of experience instructing all levels of students.

Also Yoga ah is one of the only yoga studios in the nation that offers the Rocket system. Here are some popular questions that new students ask, we hope this is helpful to you.

What does that mean? What is the Rocket system?
Well the Rocket system offers different routines that focus on different parts of the body. In each Rocket class you know what type of poses you will be working on. ( see our class discriptions ) 

I want to take teacher training but am new to yoga, do you think I am ready?
Yes, taking the teacher training will give you a better understanding of the history of traditional yoga and yoga in the United States. Also our Foundations Training in Ashtnaga and Rocket is made for Beginners so you can learn proper alignment and breathing techniques that will allow you to bulid you practice slowly without getting injured. 

What is Rocket Training?
Rocket Trainings are 5 day intensives that are designed for yogis that are already teaching yoga. They will help you further your understanding of Rocket sequences and transitions. Rocket Training is considered Continued Education in Yoga.

Can you take Rocket classes if you can't "do" the poses?
YES!! the Rocket is made for ALL levels of students, in the system you build up your strength by using lots of fun modifactions and taking classes in a Montessori style, meaning all levels of students practice together and support each other.

I am new to yoga, which classes should I start with?
We would recommened any classes that say, Beginners, these classes are offered, Monday nights at 7:00pm, Tuesday nights at 5:30pm, Wednesdays evenings at 6:30pm and Saturday mornings at 10:30am.

What is the difference between Rocket and Bottle Rocket?
The Bottle Rocket is a shorter version of a full Rocket class and is completed in 50 minutes, and full Rocket class is 75 minutes long.

How many days a week do people come to the studio to take classes?
Originally the Ashtnga practice was a 6 day a week practice, however you will see great benefits if you practice 2-3 times per week. We also offer unlimited yoga passes that allow you to come as many times as you want during the week. Some students come 5 days a week, while others only take one clas a week. The most important thing to remeber is to listen to your body and find what works for you.

I hope this is helpful as you begin your yoga journey, feel free to email any of your questions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





Often people walk into It’s Yoga with worry, stress and tiredness written all over their faces but when they leave, they show the effects of Ashtanga Yoga: they feel better and look better, lighter, freer, more relaxed and energized. This is why to me, teaching Ashtanga Yoga is a kind of self-realization; every time I lead class I, as a teacher, grow and express the insights of my own yoga. I see people take in the practice from various angles and develop, change and transcend their limitations, realize their possibilities.

In Memoriam: Larry Schultz, YogaDragonden (1950-2011)